These conditions require prior medical advice.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint): Pain in the TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, occurs in the jaw, near the ear. It can result from various issues, including joint pain, clicking, or difficulty in opening the mouth, and is often associated with temporomandibular joint disorders.
Headaches: Headaches are characterized by pain or pressure sensations in the head. There are different types of headaches, including migraines and tension headaches, each with its own symptoms and triggers.
Torticollis: Torticollis is an involuntary contraction of neck muscles, causing a head tilt to one side and limiting neck mobility. It can be painful and restrict head movement.
Whiplash: Whiplash is a neck injury caused by a sudden back-and-forth movement, typically associated with car accidents. It can cause neck pain and other symptoms.
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a painful shoulder condition resulting from excessive wear and tear on the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles. It causes shoulder pain, muscle weakness, and reduced mobility.
Shoulder Tendon Rupture: A rupture of the shoulder tendons is a severe injury where one or more of the tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint tear. This injury can result from trauma, overuse, or aging factors. Typical symptoms include severe pain, muscle weakness, loss of shoulder mobility, and sometimes a cracking sound during movement.
Capsulite : La capsulite, ou épaule gelée, est une condition de l'épaule caractérisée par une douleur intense et une perte de mobilité due à une inflammation et à la raideur de la capsule articulaire.
Carpal Tunnel: The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located at the base of the hand, formed by the wrist bones and a ligament. Inside this tunnel, the median nerve passes, controlling sensation and movement in certain parts of the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when this nerve is compressed or irritated, usually due to inflammation or increased pressure. Common symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand and fingers.
Finger Phalanx Fracture: A finger phalanx fracture occurs when one of the bones in the fingers or toes is broken. These fractures are usually caused by trauma, such as a direct blow to a finger or toe. Symptoms include pain, swelling, deformation, and difficulty moving the affected phalanx.
Hip Osteoarthritis: Hip osteoarthritis is a common joint condition characterized by the degeneration of the cartilage in the hip joint. This degeneration causes hip pain, stiffness, and a loss of mobility. Hip osteoarthritis is often related to aging, wear and tear, or genetic factors.
Pubalgia: Pubalgia is a condition characterized by pain in the pubic region, typically caused by injuries, muscle strains, or issues related to the pubic symphysis joint (a pelvic joint). It is common in athletes, especially those involved in sports requiring frequent twisting or directional changes, such as football or hockey.
Knee Osteoarthritis: Knee osteoarthritis is a joint condition characterized by the degeneration of cartilage in the knee joint. This leads to knee pain, stiffness, swelling, and a loss of knee mobility. Knee osteoarthritis is often linked to aging, wear and tear, and genetic factors.
ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament): The ACL, or anterior cruciate ligament, is one of two ligaments located in the knee joint. It is essential for knee joint stability. The anterior cruciate ligament prevents the lower leg from moving forward relative to the thigh while allowing normal knee movements. Injuries to the ACL, such as sprains, are common and can lead to a loss of knee stability.
Ligament Sprain: A ligament sprain is an injury that occurs when the ligaments, tough connective tissues that link bones in a joint, are stretched, torn, or damaged. These injuries can happen in various joints of the body, such as the ankle, knee, or wrist. Sprains can vary in severity, from mild strains to severe ligament tears. Typical symptoms include pain, swelling, stiffness, and sometimes loss of mobility in the affected joint.
Tibial Posterior Tendinopathy: Tibial posterior tendinopathy is an injury or inflammation of the tendon at the back of the ankle, called the tibial posterior tendon. This tendon plays a crucial role in supporting the arch of the foot and stabilizing the ankle. Tibial posterior tendinopathy can result from overuse, trauma, or anatomical factors. Typical symptoms include pain on the inside of the ankle or foot, especially during walking or running.
Tendinopathie tibial post: La tendinopathie tibiale postérieure est une blessure ou une inflammation du tendon situé à l'arrière de la cheville, appelé le tendon tibial postérieur. Ce tendon joue un rôle important dans le soutien de la voûte plantaire et la stabilisation de la cheville. La tendinopathie tibiale postérieure peut être causée par une surutilisation, des traumatismes ou des facteurs anatomiques. Les symptômes typiques comprennent une douleur à l'intérieur de la cheville ou du pied, en particulier lors de la marche ou de la course.
Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot that results from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick ligament connecting the heel to the toes and supporting the arch of the foot. This inflammation can be caused by overuse, excessive strain, inadequate footwear, or posture issues. Common symptoms include sharp or stabbing heel pain, especially in the morning or after a period of rest.

Cervicalgia: Cervicalgia is pain or discomfort in the cervical region, which is the neck area.
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a joint disease characterized by the degradation of cartilage covering the ends of bones. This can result in pain, stiffness, and a loss of joint mobility.
Herniated Disc: A herniated disc is a condition where the gel-like core inside an intervertebral disc in the spine protrudes through the outer wall. This can compress nearby nerves and cause pain, numbness, or weakness in certain parts of the body.
Nevralgie: Une névralgie est une douleur intense le long d'un nerf ou de ses branches, généralement due à une irritation ou à des dommages au nerf. Cette douleur peut être aiguë, lancinante, brûlante ou électrique, et elle peut être déclenchée par diverses causes, telles qu'une compression nerveuse, une inflammation, une infection ou d'autres affections médicales. Les névralgies les plus courantes comprennent la névralgie du trijumeau (qui affecte le nerf trijumeau dans le visage) et la sciatique (qui affecte le nerf sciatique dans le bas du dos et la jambe).
Shoulder Fracture: A shoulder fracture is a break or crack in one of the shoulder bones, including the clavicle, scapula, or humeral head. Shoulder fractures are often caused by trauma, falls, or accidents. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the shoulder.
Shoulder Dislocation: A shoulder dislocation occurs when the humerus (arm bone) comes out of its joint with the scapula. This can result from an injury or fall. Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, and visible deformation of the shoulder.
Thoracic Outlet: The thoracic outlet is a narrow anatomical region located between the neck and chest where blood vessels and nerves pass through. Medical issues like thoracic outlet syndrome occur when these structures are compressed, leading to symptoms such as pain and numbness.
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis of the shoulder is a joint disorder characterized by degradation of the cartilage in the shoulder joint. This causes pain, stiffness and loss of mobility in the shoulder. Shoulder osteoarthritis can be caused by aging, excessive wear and tear, or previous injuries.
Tennis Elbow: Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that affects the elbow. It is characterized by pain on the outside of the elbow, usually caused by inflammation or irritation of the tendons attached in that area. Contrary to its name, one does not need to be a tennis player to develop this condition. Repetitive wrist and forearm movements, as seen in activities like tennis or other sports, can increase the risk
Golf Elbow: Golf elbow is characterized by pain on the inside of the elbow, usually caused by inflammation or irritation of the tendons attached in that area. Contrary to its name, one does not need to play golf to develop this condition, although repetitive bending of the wrist and forearm during golf can increase the risk.
Elbow Fracture: An elbow fracture is a break or crack in one of the elbow bones, typically the humerus, radius, or ulna. This injury is commonly caused by falls, trauma, or other accidents. Typical symptoms include severe pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the elbow.
Ligament Instability: Ligament instability occurs when the ligaments that hold joints in place are weakened or damaged, leading to a loss of stability and a feeling of joint laxity. This can happen in various joints of the body. Common causes of ligament instability include injuries, sprains, and chronic ligament laxity.
Wrist Fracture: A wrist fracture is characterized by a break or crack in one of the wrist bones, typically the radius and/or ulna. It is commonly caused by a fall on an outstretched hand. Typical symptoms include pain, swelling, deformation, and difficulty moving the wrist.
Lumbalgia: Lumbalgia is pain experienced in the lower back region. It can be caused by various factors, including injuries, muscle strains, or underlying health issues.
Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stenosis is a spinal condition characterized by the abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal, the space inside the spine where the spinal cord and nerve roots are located. This narrowing can put pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerves, resulting in symptoms such as pain, numbness, muscle weakness, and, in some cases, mobility issues.
Herniated disc: A herniated disc is a condition of the spine where the gelatinous nucleus of an intervertebral disc, which acts as a cushion between the vertebrae of the spine, moves out of its normal position through a crack in the outer shell. This can exert pressure on the surrounding nerves, causing symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the affected area.
Hip Tendinopathy: Hip tendinopathy is a condition involving damage or irritation of the tendons surrounding the hip joint. This condition can be caused by overuse, repetitive strain, injury, or other factors. Typical symptoms include hip or buttock pain, especially during specific movements, as well as stiffness.
Knee Meniscus: The meniscus is a crescent-shaped piece of cartilage located in the knee joint. It acts as a natural cushion and contributes to joint stability. Meniscus injuries, such as tears, are common and can cause pain and mobility problems in the knee.
Patellofemoral Syndrome: Patellofemoral syndrome, also known as patellar syndrome, is a painful condition that affects the kneecap (patella) and the thigh bone (femur). It is characterized by pain in the front of the knee, especially when the patella rubs against the femur during movement. This condition is often associated with physical activities like running, jumping, or climbing, as well as muscle imbalances.
Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolisthesis is a condition of the spine where one vertebra slips forward relative to the one below it. This can occur as a result of fracture, congenital deformity or excessive wear of the joints between the vertebrae. Spondylolisthesis can cause back pain, stiffness and neurological symptoms.
Ponytail syndrome: Ponytail syndrome is a rare and serious medical condition that occurs when the nerves at the base of the spine, resembling a ponytail in appearance, are compressed or damaged. This can lead to severe symptoms such as weakness, numbness, urinary and fecal incontinence, and loss of sensation in the legs. Common causes include massive disc herniations or trauma to the spine.
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis of the lower back, also known as lumbar osteoarthritis, is a common spinal condition that results from degeneration of the cartilage between the lumbar vertebrae, causing pain and stiffness in the lumbar region. Osteoarthritis of the lower back is generally linked to aging, wear and tear, and genetic factors, although it can be exacerbated by previous injuries or repetitive movements.