Easy tips to keep your back happy at the office

Easy tips to keep your back happy at the office

Long hours at the desk can really do a number on your back and neck. At Clinique RESET, we totally get how tough it can be to sit the same way all day. Here’s a quick guide with some friendly advice to help you feel better as you work.

Keep moving
Don't let your chair hold you hostage! Make a point to stand up and stretch or take a quick stroll every half hour. It’s a simple trick but trust me, your back will thank you for giving it a break and getting those muscles moving.

Screen setup
Place your monitor right at eye level and at just the right distance so you aren’t leaning forward or squinting. Getting this right can keep both eye strain and neck pain at bay, making it easier to focus on your work without discomfort.

Shoulder check 
That hunch over your keyboard? Let’s fix that. Try rolling your shoulders back every now and then. A good cue is to squeeze your shoulder blades together for a few seconds whenever you walk through a doorway—it’s a quick and easy way to reset your posture.

Breathe out the stress
Feeling tense? Take a minute to breathe deeply. Use your diaphragm for a slow inhale and an even slower exhale. This not only helps relax your neck muscles but also calms your mind—a win-win when the stress levels rise.

Stand tall
Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head—this "tall posture" can work wonders for your spine alignment throughout the day. Practice this every once in a while to keep your posture in check.

These tips are easy to integrate into your day and can make a big difference in how you feel at work. And hey, if you're still feeling achy despite these changes, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Clinique RESET. Our specialists are here to help tailor a treatment plan just for you.

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